Departmental Committee of Essonne Tourism
All there is to know about the Committee
The Departmental Committee of Tourism is an association of law 1901 created in order to implement the tourist policy of the department.
Direct support and coordination with the Departmental Council, the DCT 91 (Departmental Committee of Tourism 91) acts within the framework of the Essonne 2018-2021 tourism development departmental plan, defining a tourism strategy and its operational translation by a multi-year action plan.
In partnership with :
Promote the attractiveness of Essonne and develop the tourism economy in collaboration with professionals, communities, institutional structures and state services.
The Departmental Committee of Essonne Tourism is a member of Tourism & Territories, which brings together and federates 93 departments and thus participates in national tourism strategies.
The Departmental Committee of Essonne Tourism is placed under the authority of a president, Aurélie Gros, Vice-President of the County Council of Essonne and a director, Sylvie Léostic.
Working committees may be established by decision of the Board of Directors. These commissions consist of 15 to 20 members, so-called active members; They represent Thematic Colleges.
To date, there are four colleges:
The College of Tourism, Cultural and Recreation Partners
This College is made up of Essonne tourism, culture and leisure professionals. They can be :
Are associated with this College : tourist, cultural and leisure partners like Departmental Committees of hiking, bicycle tourism and equestrian hikes.
The College of Producers, Craftsmen, Restorers, Artists and Artisans
This College, known as College of Essonne’s Know-How, is made up of the ex-members of the Association “Produits & Terroir Essonne” and the members of the quality process put in place since “Produits & Terroir Essonne” dissolution (farmers, craftsmen, traders, restaurant owners, ESAT, craftsmen, etc.).
Le Collège des Offices de tourisme et Syndicats d’initiative
Le Collège des Offices de tourisme et Syndicats d’initiative se compose des Présidents de l’ensemble des Offices de tourisme et Syndicats d’initiative de l’Essonne ou d’un représentant désigné (élu ou technicien).
Le Collège des Territoires
Le Collège des Territoires se compose des Présidents des Collectivités et des Intercommunalités (Communautés de communes, Communautés d’agglomération, PNR et Etablissement public territorial) ou d’un représentant désigné (élu ou technicien).
Peuvent devenir membres des collèges, toutes personnes physiques ou morales motivées par le développement du tourisme en Essonne sous réserve, de leur adhésion et du paiement du montant de la cotisation correspondante.
Pour toute information complémentaire, contactez le Comité départemental du Tourisme de l’Essonne au 01 64 97 36 91.